
I am conducting research in the University of Pennsylvania’s Architected Materials Laboratory under Prof. Jordan R. Raney.

About my Project: Machine Learning + Computer Vision + 3D Printing

My research project investigates the application of convolutional neural networks to additive manufacturing. Combining machine learning and computer vision for intelligent, multi-material 3D printing allows printers to monitor uncommon events and defects, evaluate structure and material properties, and improve design printing strategy.

In Summer 2023, I received the Penn Undergraduate Research and Mentorship (PURM) Program Award, providing me with funding and support to continue this project. To collect and process live feed from the printer, I am using an iDS Imaging camera combined with Python libraries OpenCV and Pyueye. For the convolutional neural network, I am using Keras and Tensorflow for multiclassification, specifically to recognize errors caused by low/high extrusion pressure and low/high distance from the nozzle.

Currently, I am working on bridging the printer hardware and software by implementing live prediction and response. As the printer extrudes material, the camera live captures and processes an image. Using Python’s multithreading library, the printer responds to the prediction label by terminating or continuing the print. Soon, I hope to implement autonomous corrections, in which the printer will adjust its parameters based on the predicted error type of the image.

About the Architected Materials Laboratory

New manufacturing methods such as 3D printing have enabled an unprecedented degree of control over the properties of materials. This has the potential to revolutionize materials properties and to thereby greatly expand the design space available to engineers. How can we leverage these tools to produce materials and structures with unprecedented engineered capabilities?

At the Architected Materials Laboratory we explore this question, with our work organized into three major Thrusts: (1) Geometric control of nonlinear behavior; (2) 3D-printable composites and responsive materials; and (3) Mechanical logic and autonomous materials.

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