Professional Projects

Code for clients and internships! Check out my personal projects here.

Gaia AI Website

As product manager for club Penn Spark’s client, MIT-Harvard environmental startup Gaia AI, I led a team of 2 designers and 3 developers to design and deploy their new web product over the course of one semester. As a primarily frontend project, we used the Gatsby JavaScript framework in combination with HTML and CSS. All designs were created using Figma.

(JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Gatsby, Agile Methodology, React, Git)

Deepblocks Dashboard

In Summer 2021, I worked as Data Visualization and Software Development intern for AI real-estate startup Deepblocks. I collaborated with one other intern to develop a web program that tracks and displays customer engagement with Deepblocks’ software product. The dashboard tracks customer subscription price, initiation/termination dates, geographical information, customer MRR, and more.

Notable features include a main, heavily customizable user table, a user map using MapBox’s API, and various graphs. The dashboard itself was built using Plotly and Dash in Python, which allowed integration with HTML and CSS. The data was pulled using Intercom’s API and processed using Pandas.

(Data Visualization, HTML/CSS, Python, Pandas, Plotly, Dash, API, Git)

FranklinDAO Webpage

As project lead for club Penn Spark’s client, Penn Blockchain community FranklinDAO, I led a team of 2 designers and 3 developers to design and (soon) deploy their new web product.

(JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Git, Agile Methodology)

Procedural Evening City Skyline

Tasked with preparing a workshop for CS education nonprofit Code/Art’s largest annual STEM symposium, I coded this procedural city skyline generator and wrote its accompanying lesson plan for the high school girls’ track.

I taught this workshop in-person in March 2023 at the Miami Dade College’s Idea Center.
