Graphics & Software Engineering

Below is my portfolio of graphics software projects. Click on any project to learn more.

GPU Programming & Rendering

WebGPU Clustered Renderer

WebGPU, TypeScript, WGSL

Forward+ Shading and Clustered Deferred Shading, using WebGPU, demonstrated on Sponza atrium model with hundreds of point lights. Additional aesthetic artistic cell and outline fragment shader. LIVE DEMO

CUDA Path Tracer


CUDA-based path tracer to render globally-illuminated scenes. Performance optimizations, proceduralism, mesh & textures, denoising and antialiasing. (I’m just really proud of this one :))

Vulkan Grass Renderer

Vulkan, C++, GLSL

Real-time Bezier curve grass simulation and rendering application using Vulkan compute and tessellation shaders.

Boids Flocking Simulation


Exploration of CUDA kernels to implement a flocking simulation based on the Reynolds Boids algorithm. CUDA-based optimizations for this project feature a uniform grid with semi-coherent memory access.

Geometry Processing(C

Skinning & Skeletal Animation

C++, Paper Implementation

Various methods for skeletal-based deformation, including linear-blend skinning, dual-quaternion skinning, per-face blend skinning, etc.

Drag & Deform Meshes

C++, Paper Implementation

Interactively deform 3D models by dragging user-set handles.
Multi-resolution surface parameterization, deformed using naive Laplacian editing.

Turning Points Clouds into Geometry

C++, Paper Implementation

Construct mesh from point cloud by computing implicit MLS function with marching cubes algorithm.

Interactive Graphics Engineering

Pandora’s Blocks

C++, Qt, OpenGL

Interactive Avatar/Pandora-inspired 3D world exploration and alteration program in the style of Minecraft. Created in team of 3.

Camera & Rasterizer

C++, Qt

Perspective projection camera, which projects 3D OBJs into 2D space for rasterizing.

Seam Carving Image Resizer

Python, Python Imaging Library

Content-aware image-resizing application of Dynamic Programming.

Looking for my digital content creation (DCC) and game engine experience?