Below is my portfolio of graphics software projects. Click on any project to learn more.
GPU Programming & Rendering
WebGPU, TypeScript, WGSL
Forward+ Shading and Clustered Deferred Shading, using WebGPU, demonstrated on Sponza atrium model with hundreds of point lights. Additional aesthetic artistic cell and outline fragment shader. LIVE DEMO
CUDA-based path tracer to render globally-illuminated scenes. Performance optimizations, proceduralism, mesh & textures, denoising and antialiasing. (I’m just really proud of this one :))
Vulkan, C++, GLSL
Real-time Bezier curve grass simulation and rendering application using Vulkan compute and tessellation shaders.
Exploration of CUDA kernels to implement a flocking simulation based on the Reynolds Boids algorithm. CUDA-based optimizations for this project feature a uniform grid with semi-coherent memory access.
Geometry Processing(C
C++, Paper Implementation
Various methods for skeletal-based deformation, including linear-blend skinning, dual-quaternion skinning, per-face blend skinning, etc.
C++, Paper Implementation
Interactively deform 3D models by dragging user-set handles.
Multi-resolution surface parameterization, deformed using naive Laplacian editing.
Turning Points Clouds into Geometry
C++, Paper Implementation
Construct mesh from point cloud by computing implicit MLS function with marching cubes algorithm.
Interactive Graphics Engineering
C++, Qt, OpenGL
Interactive Avatar/Pandora-inspired 3D world exploration and alteration program in the style of Minecraft. Created in team of 3.
C++, Qt
Perspective projection camera, which projects 3D OBJs into 2D space for rasterizing.
Python, Python Imaging Library
Content-aware image-resizing application of Dynamic Programming.
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